INPEX’s investments in Australia are the largest of its kind by any Japanese company globally. In parallel with building trust with our stakeholders through careful consultation and engagement, we are contributing to the creation of a sustainable society by steadily fulfilling our social responsibilities across our entire business chain.
We are committed to managing our business activities responsibility in all countries in which we operate and playing our part in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
These responsibilities include initiatives such as safety management, environment protection, workplace diversity, job creation, respect for human rights, cultures and customers and investment in our host communities. INPEX has produced a Vision 2040 report, that outlines our sustainability and business aspirations, which identifies Australia as one of the company’s leading countries for future investment. INPEX is focused on enhancing our governance system and implement initiatives in areas such as business strategy, transparency, assessment of risks and opportunities of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions management, aiming to contribute to a lower carbon energy society based on the long-term targets of the Paris Agreement.
INPEX will continue to strengthen its environment, social and governance initiatives throughout the supply chain and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals through our business and maintain respectful communications and build trust with all our stakeholders.
INPEX supports global standards relating to human rights, such as the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labor Standards of the International Labor Organisation and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In 2011, INPEX adopted the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, including areas relating to labour, environment and anti-corruption. INPEX is an active member of IPIECA, the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues.
Economic contribution
Decades of substantial economic benefits are expected to flow from the 40 years of operations of Ichthys LNG and INPEX’s other interests in Australia.
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